Saturday, June 25, 2011

One Ingredient Ice Cream

Listen clearly. I can eat rich, creamy, NOT non fat ice cream every day and not gain weight. Jealous? Don't be. I'm having my "ah ha" moment and so can you. An ice cream so rich and creamy, you would swear it has milk, cream and sugar in it. But it just takes one simple healthy ingredient to make this baby. Bananas.

I don't know if this is really old or really new, but I don't care. It's simple and delicious.

There are three steps to this recipe, if you can even call it a recipe.
1. Slice bananas.
2. Freeze on a plate in a single layer
3. Blend in a food processor.
The result? A cool and healthy treat to fool even the greatest ice cream connoisseur.

BTW: My sister in law suggested I add candied pecans, and although this is famous for its one ingredient appeal, I think any pecans would be fantastic!

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